​​​​​Babson & Associates Primary Care, P.C.

 Wart/Mole removal
 We can help with fast and safe wart or mole  removal. 

Our Services
Babson & Associates Primary Care provide a wide range of medical services. Please look over our services below and call or email us with any questions you might have.

 Buprenorphine / Naloxone
We provide treatment to patients addicted to opioids.

 Sports/School Physical
 We perform sports and school physicals.  For  ease, prior to your appointment you  can  download and fill out the School  Physical Examination form.

 Download form now.

 Pap Smears
 We provide pap smears and routine  healthcare for women.

Simple surgical procedure used as a  permanent form of male birth  control/permanent male sterilization which  can be done in the office, usually taking less  than an hour to complete.

 We remove skin tags, lipomas and other  suspicious lesions.

 FAA Flight Physicals
 We perform all class FAA Flight  Physicals. Prior to  your appointment  you can login to
MEDXPRESS and bring  your confirmation number to your  appointment.

       Login MEDXPRESS Here

 DOT Physicals
 We are licensed to perform Department of  Transportation (DOT) physical examinations.  Prior to your appointment you can download  a Medical Examination Report to fill out and  bring with you.

Download form now

International Vaccines
We provide travel immunizations. Call ahead for pricing and availability.

Including  Yellow Fever

(YF-VAX or Stamaril)

CDC Travelers' Health

 Acute Illness
 We provide same day appointments, usually  available for flu, colds, or other recent illness.

Click here to Track the Flu

 We see children of all ages and provide  routine medical care for most problems.

 Immigration Physicals
 Dr. Edgren is an authorized USCIS  Doctor. You can download Form             
I-693 from the government website fill  out the first page and and bring it with  to your appointment. Click  here for  more information on our Immigration  Physicals for  US Citizenship.

 Chronic Illness
 We treat chronic illness, most commonly  diabetes and high blood pressure but  which  may also include cardiovascular,  dermatological, orthopedic,  rheumatologic,  respiratory,  neurological and psychiatric  illnesses.

 We can perform EKG Testing to evaluate  for heart problems or risk factors.